Pariticipated in Workshop 4: The Wrong Picture with Osama Dawod.
I liked the the expirement very much. talking about photos is sometimes much valuable than photos themselves. insight that the workshop was only 3 days, but I have got a very good experience.
The Wrong Picture
In a time when many people take pictures, many do it as an automatic practice, and few do so with much conscious reflection. That has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the picture, or whether it is a good picture or not.
In a time when many people take pictures, many do it as an automatic practice, and few do so with much conscious reflection. That has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the picture, or whether it is a good picture or not.
What this workshop is really about is to answer this simple question: Does what we actually like to photograph reflect what we really are good at photographing? The workshop is designed to explore our watching and observational abilities. It stresses that “looking” is more important in photography than “clicking”. The participants will discuss and identify their “normal” habits and will begin to go beyond this, to discover other possibilities of what might be more interesting. There is no “Wrong Picture”.
الصورة دي غلط؟
في الوقت الذي صار فيه التقاط الصور أمراً اعتيادياً، فإن الغالبية تمارس التصوير كرد فعل لمثيرٍ ما، بينما القليل يمارسه عن وعي. كل ذلك ليس له علاقة بمستوى الصورة الفوتوغرافية أو جودتها. تهدف هذا الورشة التدريبية إلى محاولة إجابة السؤال البسيط: هل ما نفضّل تصويره هو ذاته ما نعد ماهرون في تصويره؟ صممت هذه الورشة لتستكشف قدراتنا البصرية والتحليلية، وتدفع كل الحدود التي قد تقف في سبيل الإبداع، مؤكدة على أن الرؤية في التصوير تسبق ضغطة الزر. سوف يتعلم المشاركون مهارة تجاوز ما هو "إعتيادي" والإستكشاف وفرص وجود احتمالات تفوقه إثارة
مفيش صورة غلط
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