Monday, March 23, 2015

Instagrammers of Egypt (Part Two)

The growing Instagram mania in Egypt and around the world has triggered us at Photopia to host this interesting group talk by the best Egyptian Instagram photographers you would like to follow. 

Get the chance to meet your favourite photographer Instagrammer in person during the group talk we are hosting. 

Each one of these amazing artists will speak about his favorite work, his most popular Instagram posts, and some stories and secrets behind the scenes of shooting some of them. 

Date: Saturday 28 March, 2015
Time: 6pm-9pm (break 15 minutes)
Free Admission
Venue: 15 Somal st., Korba, Heliopolis
Tel & mobile: 012 1338991 or 22904085

Facebook event:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

MARKET POINT – Cairo Tbilisi

The project implies the exchange of artists between Georgia and Egypt. It aims to unite contemporary artists on a common topic: how the development of cities and their transformations influence traditions and culture. Our main focus is on street markets, their transformations through the surrounding developments of the city and their role in society. How are these changes influencing urban segments and life of neighborhoods /streets, in which the markets are located.

The project start by question the necessity/the need of street markets, which is directly connected with ecology and healthy food, urban issues and city structure, traditions and culture, where all levels of society meet each other (woman and man, kids and adults, ethnic minorities and emigrants), who are building the city and are making it diverse.

Except it didn’t stop by this point and went to the general market horizon. After the co curators and the participated artists found out that MARKET POINT is an entrance to a full parallax life.

The findings and surroundings in Cairo and Tbilisi was the creative inspiration for this process. The first presentation of this project was shown in TBILISI September 2014 and The Exhibition of this project is shown in artellewa art space from 12 through 22nd of February 2015.

Exhibition includes:

Writer and Film producer Hossam Elouan, essay.
Anthropologist Mariam Shalvashvili, research.

Artworks of artists:
Ahmed Shawky, Alaa Abd El Hamid, Emad Ibrahim, Hamdy Reda, Jacueline George, Mako Kapanadze and Mohamed Ezz.

Archival essays and photographs from:
National Archives of Georgia
Photographer Guram Tsibakhashvili (Georgia).
Visual artists Nabil Boutros (Egypt).

Opening Thursday 19:00
the space open daily from 12 to 22 Feb.2015
Except Mondays.

Facebook event:

يتضمن مشروع تبادل الفنانين بين جورجيا ومصر، والذي يهدف إلى توحيد الفنانين المعاصرين على موضوع مشترك وهو: كيف يؤثر تطور المدن وتحولاتها على التقاليد والثقافة.
هدفنا الرئيسي هو التركيز على أسواق الشوارع، والتحولات الطارئة من خلال التطورات المحيطة بها في المدينة ودورها في المجتمع. و كيف تؤثر هذه التغييرات على القطاعات الحضرية والشوارع المجاورة للأسواق.
لقد بدأ المشروع بناء على سؤال مُلِح عن ماهية الحاجة من أسواق الشوارع، وهذا مرتبط بشكل مباشر مع البيئة والغذاء الصحي، والقضايا الحضرية وبنية المدينة، والتقاليد والثقافة، حيث أن كل مستويات المجتمع تلتقي بعضها البعض (السيدات والرجال و الأطفال، الكبار والأقليات العرقية والمهاجرين).إلا ان المشروع لم يتوقف عند هذا الحد، ولكنه انطلق الي الأفق العام للسوق وماهيته كمجموعة متحدة من العناصر الملهمة للإبداع، فبعد ان وجد القائمون علي المشروع - القيم الفني والفنانيين المشاركين - أن مفهوم السوق الذي هم بصدده لا يتخطي كونه مدخل الي حياة مليئة بالمناظر والرؤي المتناقضة. 

وكانت المناطق المحيطة بالأسواق في القاهرة وتبليسي مصدر للإلهام الإبداعي لهذه العملية. وظهر أول عرض من هذا المشروع بتبليسي في سبتمبر 2014م، ويعرض هذا المشروع في مساحة آرت اللوا للفنون من 12 حتى 22 فبراير ٢٠١٥.
يشمل المعرض:مقال للكاتب والمنتج السينمائي حسام علوان
بحث للأنثروبولوجية مريم شالفاشفيلي

أعمال للفنانيين:
أحمد شوقي،
جاكلين جورج،
حمدي رضا،
علاء عبد الحميد،
عماد إبراهيم،
ماكو كبناذز
ومحمد عز.

مقالات وصور أرشيفية من:
الارشيف الوطني لجورجيا.
ارشيف المصور الجيورجي/جورام تسيباخاشيفيلي
ارشيف الفنان البصري/ نبيل بطرس.

الافتتاح يوم الخميس الموافق ١٢ فبراير السابعة مساءً
ويستمر المعرض حتي ٢٢ فبراير.
مفتوح يومياً من ٢ ظهراً وحتي التاسعة مساءً
ماعذا ايام الأثنين.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Talking Images

21 January 2015, 7pm
Talking Images 
Ismail Fayed, Mai Al Shazly, Mohamed Ezz and Nadia Mounier

Talking Images aims to create space for in depth discussion with and between writers, artists and still or moving works. The first evening of this format is a conversation between critic, writer and researcher Ismail Fayed, artists and photographers Mai Al Shazly, Mohamed Ezz and Nadia Mounier, and the works selected for this occasion. Through close readings and discursive engagement Talking Images will try to linger and dwell, rather than rush through the wide range of topics and visual material.

Talking Images will be continued as a sporadic series with different guests throughout the year.

Language: The conversation will be in Arabic.

Facebook event

٢١ يناير ٢٠١٥، ٧ م

الصور الناطقة 
مع إسماعيل فايد ومي الشازلي ومحمد عز ونادية منير 

يهدف حديث الصور الناطقة لخلق مساحة للمناقشات بين الكتاب والفنانين، والاعمال المصورة الساكنة والمتحركة. وفي هذا الإطار، يقوم الناقد والكاتب والباحث إسماعيل فايد خلال الأمسية الأولى بمحاورة الفنانين والمصورين: مى الشاذلى ومحمد عز ونادية منير ومناقشة الأعمال التي تم إختيارها لهذه المناسبة. ويسعى حديث الصور الناطقة لأن يتاح لكل عمل من الأعمال المعروضة الوقت اللازم، من خلال القراءة الدقيقة والخطاب التفاعلي.

وستستمر سلسلة أحاديث الصور الناطقة على مدار العام، من وقت إلى أخر.

اللغة: العربية

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Have a peaceful day.. (Group exhibition)

June 22 - July 17
Saad Zaghlool Culture Center

Studio Khana foundation for contemporary art and cultural Development is honor to invite you to
the Exhibition "Have a Peaceful Day 
the exhibition is held with cooperation of studio 15/3 and Saad Zaghloul Cultural center 
The Exhibition will be inaugurated at the 22nd of June and will run till the 17th of July 2014

About Exhibition

I accidentally read a Book about the Egyptian History called " Saving the nation by the reviling of the crises" by Al-Maqrizy and it was not a coincidence to find the poverty conflict Surrounding our society realty in the contemporary era was mention in details in some part of the book which speaks about the starvation History in Egypt 

Thus when this land-sliding ordeal has lasted long, and in which the people have encountered variety of despicable torment; not only have a lot of people thought that there have never been as such tribulations before, nor have ever occurred something that compares to them, but, further, they said they can never demise or secede from them. That's because they are people who don’t apprehend, are unaware of the causes of incidents, and are always going with the flow. 

And he who contemplates this accident from beginning to end, and have come to know it foremost and uttermost, would realize that such ordeals that happen to the peoples are not but the rulers and leaders' misdirecting and their negligence to public affairs. Despite the agonies that have passed, and after what has gone on during these malignant years, the matter still needs for declaration and demonstration and strives for further explanation and elaboration. So I have intended to reveal the causes from which this awful matter has sprung, and how this dreadful predicament has spread over the nation and the peoples. Thus I conclude with mentioning what remedies this plague and redeems that curse. 

participant Artist : 
Ahmed El-Samra 
Eslam Kamal 
Bassem Yousri 
Tamer Shahin 
Rania Fouad 
Sama Wali 
Soha El-Sergani 
Alaa Abd El-Hamid 
Mohamed Abdullah 
Mohamed Ezz
Yasmein El-Meleegy

يتشرف مؤسسة ستوديو خانة للفنون المعاصرة و التنمية الثقافية 

بدعوتكم لمعرض :نهارك سعيد ..فقاقيع الهواء" 
و المقام بالتعاون مع إستوديو 15/3 ومركز سعد زغلول الثقافي 
وذلك في الفترة من 22 يونيه 2014 حتى 17 يوليو 2014 .

عن المعرض :-

قرأت مصادفة كتاب في التاريخ المصري يحمل عنوان "إغاثة الأمة بكشف الغمة" للإمام المقريزي، ولم تكن مصادفة أن أجد إشكالية الفقر المحيطة بالواقع الإجتماعي المصري في عصرنا الحالي تكاد تكون مذكورة بنفس تفاصيلها في بعض فقرات الكتاب الذي يتحدث عن تاريخ المجاعات في مصر.

لذا علينا أن نتوقف أمام الأحداث الماضية ونعيد قرائتها لأن ما حدث من قبل يمكن أن يحدث الآن.

يقول المقريزي عن المجاعات:
فإنه لما طال أمد هذا البلاء المبين، وحل فيه بالخلق أنواع العذاب المهين، ظن كثير من الناس أن هذه المحن لم يكن فيما مضي مثلها ولا مر في زمن شبهها، وتجاوزوا الحد فقالوا لا يمكن زوالها، ولا يكون أبداً عن الخلق إنفصالها، وذلك أنهم قوم لا يفقهون، وبأسباب الحوادث جاهلون، ومع العوائد واقفون.

ومن تأمل هذا الحادث من بدايته إلي نهايته، وعرفه من أوله إلي غايته، علم أن ما بالناس سوي سوء تدبير الزعماء والحكام وغفلتهم عن النظر في مصالح العباد، إلا أنه كما مر من الغلوات، وإنقضي من السنوات المهلكات. إلا أن ذلك يحتاج إلي إيضاح وبيان، ويقتضي إلي شرح وتبيان. فعزمت علي ذكر الأسباب التي نشأ منها هذا الأمر الفظيع، وكيف تمادي بالبلاد والعباد هذا المصاب الشنيع، وأختم القول بذكر ما يزيل هذا الداء ويرفع البلاء.

مقدمة كتاب ( إغاثة الأمة بكشف الغمة )
لتقي الدين أبي عباس أحمد بن علي المقريزي المتوفي سنة 845 هجرية
دراسة وتحقيق د. كرم حلمي فرحات
إصدار دار عين للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية والإجتماعية
الطبعة الأولي 2007 / ص 77، 78

الفنانين المشاركين: 

أحمد السمرة 
إسلام كمال
باسم يسري 
تامر شاهين
رانيا فؤاد 
سما والي 
سهى السرجاني 
علاء عبد الحميد 
محمد عبد الله 
محمد عز 
ياسمين المليجي 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Cairo Photo Slide Jam #3: Developing Photojournalism

Photopia is proud to host the third Cairo Slide Jam #3 on its premises in Heliopolis. Cairo Slide Jam was founded by British/Egyptian photographer Laura El-Tantawy. 

El-Tantawy is represented by the prestigious VII Photo Agency through its Mentor Program. 

The event is about photographers gathering, each one showing his work and briefly discussing their work/project being shown and then show the work via projector.

Slide Jam invites a guest curator for each event. Our gathering takes place each month, alternating between our guest hosts Photopia and the CIC (Contemporary Image Collective). Photopia is excited to host the February Slide Jam at its hub.

Our guest curator for the February Slide Jam#3 is photographer David Degner. He has chosen the theme of "Developing Photojournalism" - fine art and commercial photography in Egypt as his focus.

Developing Photojournalism:
After an intense period of growth in the Egypt's photojournalism community we need to step back, change our perspective, and widen our view. Get your mind blown by these photographers on the extreme edges of the profession.

Mohammed Ezz
Dominique Mauri
John Perkins
Heba Khalifa
Yasser Alwan
Mireille El Magrissy
Bryonne Dunne
Rena Effendi
Myriam Abdelaziz

Date: February 21
Time: 7pm
Venue: Photopia: 15 Somal St., El Korba, Heliopolis, Cairo
Admission: Free

Call our friendly team for more info or inquiries: 012 1122 8991 or 2240 90 85 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Photographing without a camera by Mohamed Ezz

My latest photo series of cell phone diaries in Downtown featured in Panorama.
Check the photo essay link  to read the article.

Friday, January 10, 2014

In photos: Highlights of the 24th Youth Salon (Mada Masr)

By: Mai Elwakil.

The organizing committee of the 24th Youth Salon has picked “Crossing into the future” as the theme for this year’s edition. The annual state-sponsored competition, meant to promote emerging local artists, opened on December 15 at Cairo’s Palace of Arts with 177 artworks. But few of the 155 artists exhibiting this year reflect in direct ways on Egypt’s ongoing political and economic ‘transition’.

The “Cellphone Diaries” are yet another response to street culture. Photographer Mohamed Ezz creates fantastic combinations of pictures he shot using his cellphone while wandering downtown Cairo’s streets. All printed in black and white, the photographs show the legs of a male model hovering over a street in mid air, shadows of cones from a street vendor’s cart stemming into the sky like dried palm trees, and a boat on the Nile river photographed from above with a shadow of buildings reflected underneath. The perspective Ezz presents of the city center is simultaneously exciting and unsettling.

Read the complete article on link:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Winning The 24th Youth Salon Award

Downtown - 32 C-Printed photos
My latest work "Downtown - cell phone diaries" won the salon award in the 24th youth salon, and the acquisition prize from the commercial international bank (CIB).
The Youth Salon is the official annual competition and exhibition organized by the ministry of culture in Egypt for young visual artists.

Downtown - 32 C-Printed photos
Winning the youth salon award (divided),
and the acquisition prize from CIBank  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Interview for the Swiss newspaper Bieler Tagblatt

Scroll down for the original version.

English version:

The title of the exhibition is “turning points“. What kind of turning point do you experience right now in Egypt?
Actually it has been more than two and half years of successive turning points since the revolution. The last turning point we’re experiencing right now is the overthrowing of the government of Mohamed Morsi by the army and reliving the interim period until we can make another presidency and parliament elections.

The fotos of „The Other Faces of Morsi“ (2012) are quite political and are shown for the first time in Biel. Would it have been possible for you to show them in Kairo?
I had prepared the work to be shown in Cairo during the time of Mohamed Morsi, but unfortunately I couldn’t find an appropriate chance to show it, and currently, I do not think it will have any meaningful value to be shown in Cairo after the overthrowing of Morsi.

Didn‘ t you have fear to show the fotos of Morsi in Kairo?
I do not have any fears to show the photos in Cairo. I only couldn’t find an appropriate chance to show them. As you know, the art scene in Cairo has been badly affected by the unstable situations.
Moreover, the work is related to a certain turning point that already gone. So as I mentioned, I do not think it will have any meaningful value to be shown again in Cairo specially these days.

How did you experience the year of Mohammed Mohammed Mursi Isa al-Ayyat as president?
Let’s first say that the Egyptians’ ambitions were very high after the revolution and the fast escalation of events made them expect fast achievements as well. At the same time, Egypt was facing great financial problems due to losses in tourism and foreign investments. The Muslim Brotherhood joined the race for presidency (with Mohamed Morsi as their candidate) after promising the people with a great project that will solve all the problems in Egypt called “The Renaissance Project”. Morsi won the elections and people started to wait for these great achievements, but all they found was failures. 
At the same time, Morsi could not reassure the average Egyptian person or commit to an unbiased political speech that enforces the people’s trust in him as a president for all Egyptians and not a president for one specific religious group.
Morsi did not succeed in anything but making more enemies from all the sectors in the country and from politicians and intellectuals who had supported him previously, which led to a cooperation between all those groups to get rid of him in the demonstrations of June the 30th. 

What religion do you have and how important is it to you?
If you are suggesting that my opinion is affected with my religion, I want to mention that my opinions are strictly logical and not related to my religious background.

How did you feel the last months in Kairo ?
I feel that most of the Egyptians have decided to become more pragmatic and support the military to go back to their stable and secure lives they had before. And the current authority is trying to take back control of all the institutions of the country and  enforce security to reassure the people after refusing to protect them previously.

Did you feel secure in Kairo in the last days of Morsi?
For me, my disappointment was stronger than my fear. During the clashes, I used to avoid the hostile areas, so I didn’t have big problems living my normal life, but I no longer enjoy the streets of Cairo like I did before.

What has changed in Kairo since the revoultion of 2011?
The shape of the city was already changing gradually. But after the revolution system and security have been affected very dramatically, traffic was a real problem due to street sellers who has spreaded on the streets, non-licensed cheap motorcycles driven by young boys and even tok-tok can be seen on the main streets. The slum culture was spreaded from poor slums around Cairo to the center of the city.

The freedom of opinion is officially guaranteed. Are you really free to express yourself – in private or as an artist ?
Usually I feel free to express myself and my thoughts without problems specially after the revolution, since freedom of speech has become an acquired right. I just had one accident recently regarding this exhibition when I tried to send the photos through a shipping company and the airport security refused to send the package. 
I do not know if the recent changes will affect the freedom of speech, but I can see that almost all of the Egyptian media is reflecting only one point of view and they avoid presenting or inviting other people who might be having an opposing view. 

In what way do you feel, that the media show only one point of view?
Most of media -and normal people- believe that military is the only hope for the country to survive, and supporting them careless of violation probabilities of human rights is an exception period to save the country from terrorism, so they become less critique to their mistakes unlike their focusing on criticizing Morsi's behaviors in the time of his presidency.

Why couldn‘ t you come to Switzerland for the opening of your exhibition? 
I was busy at work recently, so I couldn’t  prepare for the trip. It was also hard for me to afford the flight tickets.

What do you think of the USA and the „cowboy“ Barack Obama?
Obama is like the other former presidents of USA. He acts as the guard of democracy, liberty and human rights in the whole world, but he’s actually working on protecting his country’s interests and maintaining benefits with his allies, while keeping control on the regimes of the Middle East and the energy resources in it, and also keeping high popularity for himself and his party among Americans. So it doesn’t matter if he supports a dictatorship or becomes a friend with non democratic regimes, and it also doesn’t matter if he destroys the principles of liberty and human rights, the only important thing is to keep his country safe.

The other works I’ve seen from you are not so very much political. Is it the situation that made you political as an artist, even if you are not, usually?
An artist cannot live in a separate island away from the community, and the political situations take a wide space of our daily thinking. But in general, I do not intend to push my work in a certain direction. I like working on separate small projects that I feel drawn to at the time. My interests usually change and my visual perception keeps evolving, and so does the topics that I like working on. I don’t like my work being categorized under a single category, and at the same time I don’t intend to focus on political topics. I am just concerned with the political events like any other Egyptian witnessing these unstable circumstances.

What do you want to change in your country ?
I want to fulfill the basic desires of people first. For example, if people cannot find appropriate food and homes to live in, they will never think about culture and art. And then I hope we change the personality and behaviours of people by eliminating illiterature and increasing the awareness of accepting our differences.

Interview: Clara Gauthey


Die Fototage stehen unter dem Titel «Wendepunkte». Welche Wendepunkte erleben Sie aktuell in Ägypten?
Mohamed Ezz: Eigentlich erleben wir solche Wenden seit zweieinhalb Jahren. Zuletzt, als das Militär die Regierung von Mohammed Mursi gestürzt hat, und jetzt mit der Übergangszeit, bis wir neue parlamentarische Wahlen und einen neuen Präsidenten haben.

Ihre Serie «The Other Faces of Morsi» (2012) wird erstmals in Biel gezeigt. Wäre es möglich gewesen, sie in Kairo zu zeigen?
Ich wollte das tun, als Mursi noch Präsident war. Aber leider hatte ich keine Gelegenheit dazu, und nun, nachdem er abgetreten ist, hat es für mich keinen Wert mehr, die Fotos in Kairo zu zeigen.

Hatten Sie keine Angst, dass das Folgen für Sie haben würde?
Nein. Ich habe schlicht keinen passenden Platz gefunden. Auch die Kunstzene in Kairo leidet unter der unstabilen Lage in Ägypten.

Wie haben Sie das Jahr der Präsidentschaft
von Mursi erlebt?
Vielleicht muss man vorausschicken, dass die ägyptischen Ambitionen sehr hoch waren nach dem Arabischen Frühling, und die schnelle Eskalation der Ereignisse liess uns ebenso schnelle Ergebnisse erwarten. Zugleich war das Land aber mit grossen finanziellen Problemen belastet, der Tourismus brach völlig ein und ausländische Investitionen blieben aus. Die Moslembruderschaft stieg ins Rennen um die Präsidentschaft mit Kandidat Mursi, nachdem man dem Volk ein grossartiges Projekt namens «The Renaissance» angekündigt hatte, das alle Probleme lösen sollte. Mursi gewann, und die Leute warteten. Aber alles, was sie fanden, war Versagen.

Was lief schief unter Mursi?
Es gelang ihm nicht, den Ägyptern Mut zu machen oder eine vorurteilsfreie, neutrale Rede zu halten, die gezeigt hätte, dass er ein Präsident für alle und nicht nur für eine spezifische religiöse Gruppe wäre...

Welche Religion haben Sie?
Wenn Sie damit andeuten wollen, dass meine Meinung mit meiner Religion zu tun hat, möchte ich sagen, dass ich logisch und nicht aufgrund eines religiösen Backgrounds argumentiere.

Sie wollen also nicht über Ihre Religion reden...
Das Einzige, was Mursi also erreichte, war, sich überall im Land Feinde zu machen unter den Politikern und Intellektuellen, die ihn zuvor unterstützt hatten. Das führte dazu, dass sich diese Gruppen zusammenschlossen, um ihn loszuwerden im Umsturz von Ende Juni.

Wie erlebten Sie die letzten Monate in Kairo?
Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die meisten Ägypter entschieden haben, pragmatisch zu sein und das Militär zu unterstützen. Sie wollen zurück zu einer stabilen Situation, in der sie sicher sind. Und die derzeitigen Autoritäten versuchen, die Kontrolle zurückzugewinnen. Sie verstärken die Sicherheitsmassnahmen, um die Menschen zu beruhigen, nachdem sie zuvor abgelehnt haben, sie zu beschützen.

Es gab hunderte Tote, tausende Verletzte: Fühlen Sie sich sicher?
Bei mir persönlich ist die Enttäuschung stärker als die Angst. Während der Unruhen habe ich die gefährlichen Gegenden gemieden und hatte keine grossen Probleme, mein normales Leben weiterzuleben. Aber ich mag die Strassen von Kairo seither nicht mehr so wie zuvor.

Was hat sich in Kairo seit der Revolution von 2011 verändert?
Die Stadt befand sich bereits auf dem Weg der Veränderung. Aber das System und die Sicherheit veränderten sich 2011 dramatisch. Der Verkehr war ein grosses Problem, Strassenverkäufer brachten ungeprüfte oder nicht zugelassene, billige Motorräder in Umlauf, die Slum-Kultur der armen Randbezirke rund um Kairo verlagerte
sich ins Stadtzentrum.

Wie gross ist die Meinungsfreiheit in Ägypten wirklich?
Normalerweise kann ich meine meine Meinung problemlos sagen, vor allem, seit das Recht darauf in der Verfassung von Ende 2012 veranktert ist. Allerdings: Als ich jetzt versucht habe, die Fotos für die Fototage nach Biel zu schicken, gab es Probleme. Ich wollte sie ganz normal mit einem Paketdienst senden, aber sie blieben bei der Flughafen-Sicherheit stecken, die ablehnte, sie zu verschicken. Schliesslich kamen die Bilder dann mithilfe der Botschaft in die Schweiz. Und: Ich weiss nicht, ob die aktuelle Entwicklung das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit tangiert, aber ich stelle fest, dass fast alle ägyptischen Medien nur eine Sichtweise darstellen. Sie vermeiden, Leute einzuladen, die anders denken.

Welche Sicht zeigen die Medien denn?
Sie halten das Militär für die einzige Hoffnung des Landes. Also unterstützen sie es, egal ob das zur Verletzung von Menschenrechten führt, als eine Ausnahmesituation akzeptieren sie dies zum Schutz vor Terrorismus und sind unkritischer. Anders als während der Präsidentschaft
von Mursi, den die Medien offen kritisiert hatten.

Wieso sind Sie nicht persönlich zur Vernissage gekommen?
Ich war sehr beschäftigt mit meiner Arbeit, so dass ich mich nicht auf den Trip in die Schweiz vorbereiten konnte. Und es war schwierig, die Flugtickets zu bezahlen.

Was halten Sie von den USA und Barack Obama?
Obama ist wie die US-Präsidenten vor ihm. Er tritt als der Hüter der Demokratie auf, von Freiheit und Menschenrechten in der ganzen Welt. Aber er schützt vor allem die Interessen seines Landes. Während er die Regimes im Mittleren Osten zu kontrollieren versucht, will er zugleich von den Energieressourcen profitieren und seinen Beliebtheitsgrad in Amerika nicht gefährden. Es ist also nicht wichtig, ob er eine Diktatur unterstützt oder sich mit undemokratischen Regierungen anfreundet. Er will vor allem sein eigenes Land protegieren.

Ihre Arbeiten sind nicht nur politisch. Macht Sie die Situation zum politischen Künstler?
Ein Künstler kann nicht auf einer einsamen Insel abseits der Gemeinschaft leben und die politische Lage nimmt einen grossen Raum unseres Alltags ein. Aber generell will ich meine Arbeit nicht in eine bestimmte Richtung lenken.
Ich mag kleine, unterschiedliche Projekte. Meine Interessen wechseln. Meine visuelle Wahrnehmung entwickelt sich weiter, so auch meine Themen. Ich mag keine Kategorien. Ich beschäftige mich einfach wie jeder Ägypter mit der politischen Entwicklung in meinem Land, wie jeder, der die wechselhaften Umstände verfolgt.

Was möchten Sie in Ihrem Land ändern?
Zuerst würde ich die Basis-Bedürfnisse der Menschen befriedigen wollen. Die Ernährungs- und Wohnsituation verbessern zum Beispiel. Wenn die grundlegenden, wichtigsten Wünsche von Menschen nicht gestillt sind, warden sie nie anfangen, über Kultur und Kunst nachzudenken. Und ich hoffe, dass wir das Verhalten der Menschen ändern können, wenn wir den Analphabetismus eliminieren und eine Haltung entwickeln, bei der wir die unterschiedlichen Gruppen im Land akzeptieren.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography

From 6th to 29th September 2013
Participating with my work "The other faces of Morsi"

The Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography organizes the only annual festival of photography in Switzerland. Every year in September works of about 25 national and international photographers are exposed in the city of Biel.
The Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography is devoting its 17th edition to the “inflections” of our era, be they economic, political, social, or personal. Instability reigns in our globalized world, and economic and social models that are no longer adequate are undergoing changes. 
Contemporary photographers are capturing this process in order to record the critical moment of fragility and suspension in which all the tensions of uncertainty are concentrated. They are using the creative aspect of instability to disturb our habitual codes of interpretation and employ various techniques of photography to play with our perception.
In 27 exhibits, the artists included in the 2013 edition – originating from ten countries ranging from Egypt to the United States, by way of Greece, Albania, and Switzerland – document the era of change and the moment when one state of affairs gives way to another. Most of the works are being shown for the first time in Switzerland.

Biel/Bienne festival page on Facebook
Festival's website

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Downtown Exhibition

Group Exhibition (13 Artists) 
Curated by: Mahmoud Hamdi 
It will be held on Sunday 2 June, 2013 TILL Thursday 18 July, 2013.
Gallery Masr, 4 A Ibn zanki from hassan sabry st. zamalek-cairo, Cairo, Egypt, 11211.

Down town
Mohamed Ezz El Din
Hand Colored C.Prints
15x15 cm